“小白兔、白又白, 两只耳朵竖起来 爱吃萝卜和青菜, 蹦蹦跳跳真可爱” 这是很多人从小听到大的童谣 年幼的我们 从童谣中了解兔子 感受身边的世界 可你知道吗 这个小精灵 还有很多不一样的品格 周末到啦 一起聆听《兔子赞》 感受人生百味 红蓝小兔,双语字幕 辩证思维,文化自信↓↓↓ 1KYbL8c
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兔眼红,无疾患,With red eyes, rabbit has no disease, 大家都好心胸宽。always being kind and broad-minded. [attachment=534862] 兔耳长,善倾听,With long ears, rabbit is good at listening, 是非隐私不打探。never inquiring about privacy. [attachment=534860] 兔子嘴,有三瓣,Rabbit has a three-petal mouth, 别人理短不评判。never judging others. [attachment=534861] 兔腿健,跑得欢,With strong legs, rabbit runs fast, 进退自如不迟缓。moving back and forth freely. [attachment=534864] 兔腰弯,讲和谦,With a bent waist, rabbit is modest, 邻里团结是模范。always being a unity model in the neighborhood. [attachment=534863] 兔尾短,夹得紧,Rabbit has a short and clamped tail, 既不翘来又不颠。being neither cocky nor bumpy. [attachment=534865] 兔食好,很清淡,With an appetite for mild-flavor food, 绿色环保又低碳。environmental protection and less emission are advocated. [attachment=534867] 兔脑灵,善谋略,Brainy, rabbit makes the strategies, 守株待兔终失算。Waiting for windfalls dooms to fail. [attachment=534866] 兔胆小,守规矩,Timid, rabbit obeys the rules, 他人利益不侵犯。Never violating the interests of others. [attachment=534868] 兔心善,把药碾,Good-hearted, rabbit grinds the medicine, 救死扶伤人称赞。Healing the wounded and rescuing the dying win praises of others. [attachment=534869] 兔龟赛,不抢先,Modest, rabbit doesn’t outrun the turtle, 让人也有成就感。Humility also nurtures a sense of achievement. [attachment=534870] 兔三窟,别批判,Reconsider before juding the rabbit holes, 居安思危保安全。Preparing for danger in times of peace assures safety. [attachment=534871] 兔崽子,一月产,Rabbit kids, born in a month, 繁衍力量谋发展。The power of reproduction contributes to development. [attachment=534872] 多看人长处 常记人好处 辨证看兔子 反映价值观 如何看待人 如何看待中国及中国崛起 这首《兔子赞》里 提供了一个答案 }xf='lE